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Trial session includes 30-minute sample lesson and brief Q&A. Parents and students are able to know about teacher’s teaching style, scheduling for the year and details of the studio policy etc. Trial lesson fee is non-refundable.

Cancellation Policy and Makeup Lessons

Please plan ahead if your child has any activities. Lesson time is exclusively reserved for your child. There are no refunds for last-minute canceled or no-notice lessons. I allow rescheduling lesson with 7 days' notice. These lessons must be rescheduled within the current studio year (September to June). Makeup lessons are limited to one per month.  


If an emergency occurs or lessons must be canceled due to inclement weather, please call or text me at least 24 hours before the lesson. Online lessons are offered at the same lesson time. For in-person makeup lessons, please refer above.


PLEASE do not bring a sick child to the lesson or show up ill yourself. This includes but not limited to: covid, flu, common cold, pink eye, bed bugs, etc.


If I am sick or must miss a lesson, I will be sure to give the promised 40 individual lessons and 20 group classes within the school year (before June). 

Summer Term Lessons

Lessons are offered during summer vacation. Each student is required to take at least one-month lessons so you can maintain your progress. Lesson time during summer is flexible. Please plan ahead so I can put you in my summer teaching schedule. Ear Training Classes are offered as a special intensive program in summer. More details will be released later this semester.


Summer term payment is based on the amount of lessons/classes and has to be paid in the 1st lesson of the term. Cancellation and makeup lesson policy apply the same as above.

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